Do Fabric Shavers Ruin Clothes?

It is common for clothes to get pilling. However, removing these pills is not that easy like you think. Because you need a proper way and tool to do it. Fabric shavers are a tool for this task. But have you ever thought do fabric shavers ruin clothes or not? The answer to this question … Read more

Can You Use Sharpie on Fabric?

Using sharpie paint markers on a surface to make a design or write something is a common thing nowadays. These paint makers work as permanent paint. However, can you use a sharpie on the fabric? Because every fabric is different from each other. That’s why not every fabric will react the same. Even if you … Read more

What is Chenille Fabric?

To make sure your dress gives you the vibe you want, you have to know about the fabrics. Because the right fabric can give you the perfect vibe. Cloth-like chenille is both more popular and unique than the other fabrics. From making a dress to upholstery, you can use it for anything. However, it is … Read more

What is Peach Fabric?

Yes, we have to wear dresses that are made of different fabrics. Like the other fabrics, the peach fabric is also a versatile one that you can use to make clothes. Although it is not common among people to use. But once you have used it, it will be your favorite fabric that you can … Read more

What is Viscose Elastane Fabric?

You can get fabrics in different textures, sizes, and weights. Some fabric works great and some are simply delicate. Now the question is what kind of fabric is viscose. Viscose has not yet reached popularity due to some reason. And that’s why its name might be unfamiliar to you. Many questions can linger in your … Read more

What Kind of Fabric is Twill?

There are some fabrics that are made with both natural and sensitive fabrics. Twill is one of this kind of fabric. Also, this type of fabric we see in our daily life. From cushions to clothes, it is available in everyday usage. Twill is basically is a type of weaving. This fabric is perfect for … Read more

How Much Fabric Do I Need for A Dress?

While making a dress for yourself, it is a common question that how much fabric do you need for it. Because without considering this fact, it would be trouble for you to make it. And there are also different types of dresses available. Not every dress needs the same yard of fabric. And if you … Read more

Can You Use Wood Glue on Fabric?

While doing any craft, many people the mistake using of the wrong glue on the product. So you have to pay some attention to this matter. But have you ever thought that can you use wood glue on fabric? Like we know, while doing any crafting, you need to use proper glue. It is especially … Read more

Can You Use Tacky Glue on Fabric?

Tacky glue is widely famous because of its strength to join things together. However, have you thought that you can use tacky glue on fabric? Like you can work with them on wood, paper, and many more things. But are these safe enough to use on your clothes without causing any damage? Using glue on … Read more